04.02.2025 - NEWS: 'Dare to Rise' featuring OTP Bank - PICK Szeged's Roland Mikler
25.11.2021 - FEATURE: Moving to the new arena built for the EHF EURO 2022, Szeged have left their playing hall after 25 years
16.02.2021 - INTERVIEW OF THE WEEK: Ahead of Szeged's MOTW clash against Vardar, Roland Mikler discusses their win in Skopje, his resurgence and the Hungarian national team
24.05.2017 - INTERVIEW: Veszprém’s goalkeeper hopes for frenetic support and a trophy for Sabaté at the VELUX EHF FINAL4 in Cologne.
17.04.2015 - FACE TO FACE: Thierry Omeyer is surprised how fast Roland Mikler improved while the Hungarian goalkeeper thinks his French counterpart is a lethal weapon
07.10.2014 - INTERVIEW: The Hungarian international is a newcomer to Veszprém, who has found himself under considerable pressure due to the absence of the side's other goalkeepers. So far the 30-year-old goalie has lived up to the sky-high expectations.
18.04.2014 - INTERVIEW: Roland Mikler may be coming to the end of his time at Szeged, but will be keeping his eye on the ball on the road to Berlin
16.09.2011 - VELUX EHF Champions League countdown, part 13: Pick Szeged (HUN)