ROUND REVIEW: Oleg Boutenko’s team book ticket to next stage of world championship qualification after a well-deserved, but finally close win against Greece
Israel remain on the road to Egypt
After their last-second draw in Finland, Israel showed an amazing performance in the do-or-die match against Greece. Thanks to a 24:22 victory in the “group final”, head coach Oleg Boutenko’s team finished on top of qualification group 2 by nine points and proceed to the intermediate stage of the qualification for the World Championship 2021 in Egypt, while Greece remained on eight points after the second defeat.
The close result does not reflect the rundown of the match, as the hosts were earlier ahead by eight goals.
Israel are the second team of this first qualification stage to book their ticket after Turkey in group 4. Groups 1 and 3 will be decided in tournaments in Italy and Luxembourg
Israeli Yermiyahu Sidi was the best scorer of this crucial match with seven goals
the hosts won all of their three home matches in this competition
Greece had only lost against Finland before
Israel vs Greece 24:22 (11:9)
The first leg between the top teams in this group was tight, finally won 26:25 by the Greek side, but on Saturday Israel struck back with a commanding win. After pulling away early on from a 4:4 score, the hosts were constantly ahead and forged ahead to 10:6.
But the Greek side fought back until the break, reducing the gap to only two goals at the break. Early in the second half, the visitors were close to turning the match around at the score of 12:13, but then the Israel defence stood like a wall, allowing only one goal in the next 10 minutes.
The hosts decided the game exactly in this period, when they extended the distance to eight goals at 21:13. The deal was sealed, the Greek comeback came too late.
The best scorers were Yermiyahu Sidi with seven goals for the victors and Evangelos Arampatzis with six for Greece.

Björn Pazen / jh