Europe's best beach handball teams have until the beginning of April to register for this year's ebt Finals
ebt Finals 2016 call for participants
This year's beach handball season opens with a bang as Europe's best teams will take to the court at the ebt Finals in the Greek city of Thessaloniki from 20 to 22 May.
The ebt Finals are so to say the opening event of the European beach handball season and showcase the teams that have done the best in the previous season's European Beach Tour (ebt).
As in 2014 the event's host is the Avant Garde Sports Club in Thessaloniki.
The ebt Finals will be played by 20 teams (10 women's and 10 men's teams).
The first 8 nations based on the ebt ranking (+ 1 wildcard for the co-organiser,+ the defending champion of the previous ebt Finals if registered for the
respective ebt season) have the first right to participate in the ebt Finals and are nominated by the EHF.
For the women's competition these teams are
Multichem Szentendrei NKE aka Agenta Girls / HUN (defending champion)
Club Balonmano Playa Algeciras / ESP
OVB-Beach Girls® / HUN
Westsite / NED
Detono Zagreb / CRO
Reflex AZS AWF Volkswagen Poznan / POL
Beachqueens / SUI
Kempa-online / POR
HC Panagurishte / BUL
Wildcard team (organiser)
For the men’s competition the following teams are nominated
Detono Zagreb / CRO (defending champion)
Club Balonmano Playa Algeciras-Cadoil / ESP
Dinamit BHC / HUN
SC-Ekaterinodar / RUS
BHC Sesvete / CRO
V.Gaw - Café Rossio / POR
Paksoft Camelot / NED
BHC 2areg / SRB
Wildcard team (organiser)

If one of these nominated teams does not register or does not pay the deposit fee the second registered team (following the ebt 2015 ranking) of this nation will be selected.
If less than eight different nations apply, the next registered team (following the ebt 2015 ranking) of any nation will be selected.
Therefore aöö ebt teams not qualified by ranking (see table above) that are interested in participating shall return the enclosed registration sheet (deposit payment has to be made after EHF confirmation) within the registration deadline.
The registration documents and further information have been made available for download.
The host club has also compiled a document with event related information.
At the same time as the ebt Final courses for beach handball referee candidates, beach handball delegates and beach handball coaches will take place in Thessaloniki.
EHF / ts