Šešum: “Fate is in our hands”
Last season Zarko Šešum missed the VELUX EHF FINAL4 closely with his former club MKB Veszprém by losing to Barcelona in the Quarterfinals. This season it was the dream of the Serbian international to reach Cologne with his new club Rhein Neckar Löwen.
And for Zarko Šešum this dream is not over, even as Rhein Neckar Löwen lost the first leg on home ground 27:29 against Montpellier Agglomeration HB. “Nothing is decided yet,” is his opinion in this interview with ehfCL.com.
ehfCL.com: Your team was in lead with three goals at the break against Montpellier but lost 27:29 in the end. What happened in second half?
Zarko Šešum: We played more concentrated before the break, but in second half the number of mistakes in attack was far too high. We easily gave away balls and invited Montpellier to score with fast breaks. Long story short: We played really bad!
ehfCL.com: What has to change in Montpellier next Saturday?
Zarko Šešum: At first we have to analyze our mistakes exactly. How did they happen, what were the reasons? When we have found the source of mistakes we will prepare well for Montpellier.
If we manage to avoid those mistakes we will avoid their counter attacks. Most of the 20 Montpellier goals after the break were easy goals. If we play like in first half, we still have a chance to reach the VELUX EHF FINAL4.
Another important fact is the body language – we did not show enough confidence and strength in the second half.
ehfCL.com: What makes you feel confident that you can reach your dream destination Cologne?
Zarko Šešum: Our team has improved since the start of the year 2011. We are balanced and well-rehearsed now. Our coach and the team needed time to implement his handball philosophy. And since we found our style we are successful – especially in away matches.
We won in Kiel, we won in Barcelona – and we can win in Montpellier. Everything is possible, as two goals mean nothing. So it was highly important that we scored the last two goals in the final stage of the first leg.
It would have been much harder to go to Montpellier and need to win with a five goal advantage.
ehfCL.com: So you are still optimistic?
Zarko Šešum: We still have the fate in our hands – and we for sure can improve compared to our performance in second half of the first leg. We all dream to go to the VELUX FINAL4 and we are still on our way, even after this “accident” last Sunday.

Björn Pazen